Data Snapshots

Data from the VKRP assessments are beneficial for a wide range of stakeholders, including state policymakers, division and school leaders, educators, and families. The data enable all stakeholders to support young students’ learning.

paperwork on a desk and a computer with bar graph report open

Snapshot Documents

The data snapshots provide data about the statewide readiness landscape in the fall and spring of each year.


Access and download recent kindergarten snapshot documents.



VKRP recently expanded to include pre-kindergarten. Check back soon for this data.

2021-2022 School Year
2020-2021 School Year
2019-2020 School Year

As a result of VKRP's findings, the Commonwealth has been able to push forward with an $85-million plan to advance equity by improving the quality and availability of early childhood education to low-income families across Virginia.


Virginia's Kindergarten Readiness Landscape

Opportunity gaps can drive disparities in readiness skills. See why VKRP provides a snapshot of Virginia’s kindergarten readiness landscape.

Kindergarten friends arms around each other

Why We Measure Readiness Skills

Research shows that an emphasis on supporting both academic and social-emotional skills are essential for children’s success in school  and life.