Our Connection with PALS
VKRP and PALS work together to provide a more comprehensive picture of kindergarten readiness.
A Collaborative Effort
Since 2015, the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) has worked closely with the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) to provide a snapshot of school readiness skills across multiple domains. PALS assesses literacy skills, while VKRP assesses mathematics, self-regulation, and social skills. Together, they aim to provide a more comprehensive picture of kindergarten readiness across the Commonwealth.
As a literacy screening, PALS provides a comprehensive assessment of young students’ knowledge of the important literacy fundamentals that are predictive of future reading success. PALS is the state-provided screening tool for Virginia’s Early Intervention Reading Initiative (EIRI) and is used by 99% of school divisions in the state.
VKRP works closely with the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) to provide an integrated online assessment system for teachers, administrators, and division leaders.
How PALS And VKRP Work Together
Single Login
All VKRP assessments and resources are accessible via the PALS website using teachers' and administrators’ PALS login information.
Same Roster
VKRP utilizes the same student and user information as PALS, so roster and user-management is streamlined and efficient.
Integrated Reports
VKRP division, school, classroom, and student-level reports present VKRP and PALS data together.