What does it mean to be ready for school?

A child’s readiness for kindergarten includes both academic and social-emotional skills developed at home, school, and in their community.

The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) gives schools, teachers and families a complete picture of school readiness in 4 key areas: Mathematics, Literacy, Self-Regulation, and Social Skills.

Diverse group of children holding poster with rocket graphic
Elementary school kids arrive at school from the school bus

VKRP provides actionable data that educators can use to support Virginia’s children statewide.

Four kids hanging out together on the playground

42% of Virginia children start kindergarten needing extra support in at least 1 of these 4 key areas.

A woman administering the early mathematics assessment system to a young kindergarten girl.

A look at how the assessments, reports, and instructional resources work together.

Laptop keyboard on solid blue background


Visit and subscribe to the VKRP blog for monthly updates, as well as useful tips and resources to promote readiness skills.

Polaroid photos of children on solid orange background

Data Snapshots

Each fall and spring, we create a short document to communicate information about the data from that assessment term.

Get to Know VKRP

The Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP) is a statewide initiative focused on building a more comprehensive understanding of school readiness and success.

VKRP is a multi-dimensional measure that partners with PALS to also include a focus on mathematics, social skills, and self-regulation.